who the hell is that
AJ “Tyron” Martinez, interdisciplinary internet idiot and gay robot.
You probably found me from one of these:
- Sound, music, and gameplay design for Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers
- yearly shitty fighting game marathon, the Kusoge Advent Calendar
- VRChat mahjong parlor I work on with a partner
- illustrious and carcinogenic Elsword career
- invasive and low-quality scripts for SRB2Kart
- defunct PSO2 combat logger that beat SEGA anticheat (despite not being a cheat)
- consistently worthless livestream documenting my fascination of the month
Short-term: Dr. Robotnik’s Ring Racers is out! I’m divided between rest and putting out post-launch grease fires.
Later: Clearing out my single-player backlog and noodling around with the Dirtywave M8. It might be a while before I post music for its own sake again, but it’s been a pretty fulfilling private hobby. I could use a break from creative work, though, at least a little one…
The future: Moving back in with old friends, finally cracking open Godot, and doing what I’ve always done—falling into special-interest rabbit holes. God I cannot fucking wait to work in a real engine. Maybe I ought to do a mahjong client or something.
Want to talk projects, vidya, or me being wrong on the internet? Email, Pleroma, or Discord (@tyron
), in order of preference. Note that I ignore Discord friend requests with no mutual servers on a ~vibes~ basis, so you may want to join HITBOX DIMENSION, “my” weird stream server, especially if you have a question someone else might be able to answer.
recycle bin
I don't like link rot, so I try not to tear pages down. But I'm also a weird neurotic fuck, and don't like the index being cluttered with things that seem not particularly post-worthy in retrospect—or stuff that's just become irrelevant with the passage of time. Insert mass-manufactured gripe about "patch culture" here.
Also, sometimes I'll probably just get stuff wrong outright, and I want to remove errors without erasing their history. (Rest assured, errors with capital-s Stakes will get retracted in their own posts.) So here's some old stuff for completeness's sake.